Acupuncture needles are small and hair-thin. They are solid, not hollow like needles used by doctors. The end of an acupuncture needle is smooth and rounded. Acupuncture needles are not designed to cut the skin. Instead, when an acupuncture needle is inserted, the round edge pushes the tissue aside without cutting it.
Q. How deep do acupuncture needles go?
Acupuncture points are located near or on the surface of the skin. Usually needles are inserted from 1/4 to 1 inch in depth. Depth of insertion will depend on nature of the condition being treated, the patients' size, age, and constitution, and upon the acupuncturists' style or school.
Q. Are acupuncture neeldes sterile ?
Yes, as a member of NZASA, only sterile, single-use, disposable needles are used in this clinic.
Q. Does it hurt ?
Acupuncture needles are not much thicker than a strand of hair, and their insertion is normally painless. Needles can be quickly adjusted if the patient does feel discomfort. If any sensation is experienced during insertion, it is often compared to a mosquito bite and disappears very quickly. Once the needles are inserted, they may be manipulated to obtain a mild "Qi" sensation. This is how an acupuncturist engages the energy in your body in order to help balance it. Often people describe the sensations as warming, heavy, numb or tingling. Most people are surprised at how painless and relaxing acupuncture is - many people actually fall asleep during treatment!
Q. How long does treatment take ?
The average treatment lasts about 20-30 minutes, but can go up to as long as 45 minutes, depending upon the problem being treated. Some conditions are improved with one visit; other treatments will involve multiple visits. On average, with weekly treatment a condition should show some improvement within 8-12 visits. If you do not see any improvement during that time, it may be appropriate to re-evaluate with a practitioner whether or not to continue in treatment.
Logo indicates that the above red color means "Heart" organ in human body, fire property and yang property and the below blue color means "Kidney" organ in human body, water property and yin property. When Yin and Yang meet altogether, heat, vital qi and eternity can be generated. Two components intend to interact and cooperate each other. Three arrows means three stages in human life as childhood, adulthood, elderly period. Those arrows tend to circulate eternally for the purpose of endless and perfection.
The Secret of Long Life
Huang Di Nei Jing (皇帝內經) says ...
In ancient time, people knew the principles of life preservation. they followed the rules of yin and yang: adjusted ways to cultivating health, ate balanced diet: had a regular daily life to avoid overstressing body and mind. thus they could have harmony of body and spirit; reached their natural life span; lived over one hundred years, then passed away...