What Is Atopic Dermatitis?
when you have long-lasting, red, itchy rashes, it could be atopic dermatitis. Better known as eczema, this skin condition is often found in children. But you can have it at any age. The rashes tend to flare, go away, and then come back again. Symptoms Itching skin Scaly, dry skin Rash that bubbles up, then weeps clear fluid Cracked skin that hurts and sometimes bleeds Skin creasing on the palms of the hand or under the eye Darkening of skin around the eyes Q: How do you treat atopic dermatitis with Chinese herbal therapy? A: First of all, it’s important to keep in mind that atopic dermatitis (AD) is, as the name implies, an atopic—allergic—disease. Readers are certainly aware of this because they use antihistamines [ed. note: antihistamines are used to help people with AD sleep, rather than to relieve itch] and topical steroids, both of which are generally staples of the medicine cabinet for allergic diseases. AD is usually the first step in the allergic march that is often followed by a succession of environmental allergies, asthma, and food allergies. However, antihistamines and steroids do not get to the heart of the matter, which is that allergic diseases result when there is an imbalance between the parts of the immune system. With TCM, we try to modulate these imbalances using a combination of lotions, creams, baths, teas, pills, and sometimes acupuncture and acupressure, which calm the immune system so that it eventually becomes less reactive. Because the skin often has open sores and damaged tissue, we also use traditional herbal treatments for burns. It is fundamental to TCM that we treat the whole body. Organ systems are not independent of one another. This has been borne out by the recent research on how eczematous skin may be an induction point for allergens like peanuts and may sensitize infants who have never eaten these allergens. |
How To Treat With Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture Therapy
* Acute Skin Disease - Acupuncture Therapy and Skin Repair Cream (100% Chinese Herbal Ingradients made
by Pure Heart Acupuncture Clinic)
* Chronic Skin Disease - Acupuncture Therapy for Initial Stage and then Herbal Medicine with Skin Repair
Cream for Recovery Stage
by Pure Heart Acupuncture Clinic)
* Chronic Skin Disease - Acupuncture Therapy for Initial Stage and then Herbal Medicine with Skin Repair
Cream for Recovery Stage