Saam Acupuncture Therapy![]() What is Saam Acupuncture ?
Saam acupuncture is a unique Korean method that is 400 years old, founded by the hermit Saam and discretely handed down. This method treats illnesses by tracing the fundamental cause of the disease. Sa-Am Acupuncture treats and observes the patient as a holistic aspect, and thus treats the disease at the point of its real origin. Human body composed majoy twelve channels. Each meridians have their own “Five elements (Metal, Water, Earth, Wood, Fire)” respectively. Disease are caused by imbalance between five elements. Sa-am acupuncture techinique is to find out disharmony of organs and adjust balance by insertion of four acupoints. The boundary of Saam acupuncture is limitless, for it can be applied according to the physical and psychological state of the patient. Because Saam acupuncture uses acupoints at the ends of the four limbs, it is practiced safely albeit the intense stimulation, and has a powerful healing effect. Charateristics of Saam Acupuncture![]() *Needling points are under the knee or elbow
*Numbers of needle are one needle or within four needles *Needling area is selected opposite site of affected area *Painless needling based on accurate acupoints |